An awesome lightweight menu for your Linux system: 9menu

Here is an awesome lightweight menu that should work in any Linux Desktop. It's called 9menu.  I tried a lot of lightweight menus, launchers, and 9menu has to be one of favorite. Why you ask? 9menu doesn't use a
lots of dependencies. And it give complete control on how it looks and its contents. Well, the screenshot pretty much speak for it self. Will upload a video on my YouTube channel soon. Like always, Installing it is very easy.
sudo apt-get install 9menu

You can run it using a key binding or button binding. Use Commands in Compiz for that, because it's easier. You can change the color for background and the font, change the type and size too. Use the xfontsel -print command in your terminal to look for different fonts.

Enter the following commands for you bindings:

9menu -popup -bg "#f1f1f1" -fg "#000000" -font "-*-fixed-bold-r-normal-*-14-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" -teleport -file ./.9menurc

Once it is installed, create a executable file .9menurc on your home folder.
gedit ~/.9menurc
make sure you made it executable by doing:
chmod +x ~/.9menurc

Here is a copy of my .9menurc (copy and edit it to your liking). But, it would be cool if you link back to us.

) (( Archive )) (:file-roller %U ) (( Calc. )) (:gcalctool ) (( Calendar )) (:osmo ) (( CLI apps )) (:gedit ./cliapps ) (( Clock )) (:xclock -digital -fg "#000000" -bg "#f1f1f1" -hl "#eaeaea" -bd "#000000" -update 1 -twentyfour -padding 6 ) (( Education)) (:tuxtype ) (( Files M )) (:nautilus ) (( Image V )) (:mirage ) (( Internet )) (:firefox ) (( Media )) (:totem ) (( Kazam )) (:kazam ) (( Search )) (:gnome-search-tool ) (( prtScrn )) (:./pic ) (( Sys Mon )) (:gnome-system-monitor ) (( Terminal )) (:gnome-terminal ) (( Text )) (:gedit ) (( charact )) (:gucharmap ======================== )(Extra Browsers)( ======================== ) (( Chrome )) (:google-chrome ) (( Chrome I )) (:google-chrome -incognito ) (( Elinks )) (:gnome-terminal --geometry 100x42+49+23 -e elinks ) (( Links2 )) (:xlinks2 ======================== )(Systems Tools)( ======================== ) (( Conky )) (:./conky ) (( panel )) (:gnome-panel ) (( Ccsm )) (:ccsm ) (( Disk Utl.)) (:gksudo palimpsest ) (( Gdmsetup )) (:gksudo gdmsetup ) (( Dconf )) (:dconf-editor ) (( Gconf )) (:gconf-editor ) (( Icons )) (:MagIcons ) (( 9menu )) (:gedit ~/.9menurc ) (( Synaptic )) (:gksudo synaptic ) (( Theme ch )) (:gnome-tweak-tool ======================== )( LogOut )(:gdmflexiserver )( Wifi )(:gksudo start network-manager )( Reboot )(:gksudo reboot now )( Shutdown )(:gksudo init 0 ======================== ( Close ) :exit ========================
#By Salem

Know any other cool lightweight menu? let us know in the comment.


  1. This wicked cool! What a crazy idea.

  2. Is there a specific gtk theme you use for this or emerald/beryl theme? If so do you have the url or would you be willing to share this?



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